Child Labour and Modern Slavery – 2023 to 2024
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern or child slavery, nor any forced, trafficked or indentured labour used in any part of our supply chain. We are also committed to ensuring that the clients we work for do not make use of any labour from these categories either.
Hallmark as a business complies with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business relationships.
In order to ensure our suppliers are meeting our ethical standards we have started to conduct on-site audits (as of May 2024) with our top 10 key suppliers. As part of this process we interrogate the supplier over their adherence to labour standards using the below questions:
What are your company policies in relation to:
- Modern Slavery?
- Child Labour?
- Employee Health and Safety?
Please confirm that your organisation operates in compliance with all applicable local, national and international laws relating to: the environmental, health and safety, work-force pay, and labour relations.
During the on-site visits the answers to the above questions are interrogated and confirmed through visual inspection during a site tour.
Because Hallmark makes use of a lot of temporary labour and seasonal workers we will be conducting audit visits with our main casual worker vendors within the next 6 months. The vendors we use have already made commitments to adhering to or exceeding the requirements within Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in their hiring processes, but an on-site visit with them will allow us to do some deeper questioning and interrogation of their working practices.