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Hallmark Consumer Services cuts client carbon footprints with sustainable packaging solutions

12 Jul 2018

According to National Geographic, 40% of plastic produced is packaging which is used just once and then discarded. A shocking statistic which calls for sustainable solutions to packaging goods – something Hallmark is taking quick action to put in place.

The need for online retail businesses to find eco-friendly alternatives to their current packaging methods is also coupled with the pressure they face from carriers, who are charging for the shipping of goods based on volume metrics. This means that firms must reduce the size of their parcels in order to cut costs and reduce their carbon footprint. However, sourcing and securing sustainable packaging solutions that will work for your business can be a daunting task.

That’s where Hallmark comes in. We source the packaging required by our clients using our trusted network of suppliers, drawing on our knowledge of the latest innovations in the sustainable packaging world. How do we do this? Well, first we sit down with the client to work out the best solution, keeping in mind how we can successfully get the product to the customer in one piece! Then, we look at which kind of packaging solution is environmentally the best fit for the client and the customers they serve. We also discuss the aesthetics of the packaging and how it will fit in with the client’s brand image, as well as taking into account cost considerations and the budget of the client.

Size matters!

At Hallmark we always search for the best fit box for our clients to avoid shipping air! We can source packing boxes in all sorts of sizes, even for the smallest of items. We have also started using recyclable paper for void fill when packing boxes, ditching the polystyrene foam packing peanuts and plastic air pillows which are not only inconvenient for the recipient to dispose of, but also harmful to the environment.

Every month, we meet with the industry leader in packaging to pick up brand new innovations and ideas. Some recent solutions we gleaned from this are crash lock boxes which require minimal assembly and reduce the need for tape, as well as recyclable paper tape as an alternative to plastic tape.

Working together to implement new sustainable packaging ideas

Hallmark is also working in partnership with clients to source and implement recyclable packaging. Recent improvements include fully recyclable cartons and void fill and the planned introduction of giami – a paper alternative to bubble wrap.

Get in touch

To find out how we can help you source sustainable packaging solutions for your products or for more advice on this topic, please speak to a member of the Hallmark team or drop us a note here.


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